Bulog (buffer) vs PT Bulog
“Jangankan buffer stock, yang namanya stock (persediaan) itu saja sudah jadi biaya. Apalagi buffer stock, alias stock cadangan” - @paramamparam
SCM Hulu Migas : Masih Setengah Matang ?
"Kali ini saya melihat SCM Hulu Migas masih setengah matang jika dibandingkan dengan SCM pada manufacture dan matriks SCOR yang dikeluarkan oleh Supply Chain Council." @parararamparam
SCM : Mengapa Keberadannya Disebut Strategis
"Jangankan melihat nilai indikator departemen lain, terkadang mereka tidak mengerti nilai indikator yang harus dicapai di departemennya." @pararamparam
Kuliner Bogor : Gudeg Jogja Bu Ayu
Let’s say ini hybrid, tapi rasanya saya tetap suka. Bagian paling enak dari gudeg ini adalah gudegnya sendiri dan telornya.
Review Blibli.com
Prosesnya cukup standart, saya menjadi member, dan konfirmasi pembayaran yang sudah terintegrasi dengan akun bank secara online juga.
Senin, 13 Februari 2012
Know Your Customer - Review based Customer Loyalty Playbook
Hello all,
Just wanna share a little bit about this book, im reading it, and still on my way to finish it,
so far this book really good and inspiring, especially when you want or are running a business,
It's all about Maintain your Customers.
yes, know them well, customer will bring profit for your business, but don't you realize some really bring good profit and some may bring bad profit.
Easily, when you're having some loyal costumers and they're not satisfied with your products/services, they might tell their bad experiences to others, and when they do tell --> congratz! you are catching bad profit !
and by some researches, 1 bad story telling about your product/services will be drawn by 3-5 good stories from different people. yeah, that's 'sesuatu banget'
In other hand, you're also having good profit from your real customer and really love your products/services.
maximize them. treat them well. let their story flow to others about how good is your products/services. let your customer gain by their worth of mouth.
And the last, you're having a group of customer that's loyal, but they don't do any story telling about your products, but they do loyal. You know what you have to do, dont you.
Turn this group customer. Make this people bring good profit to you. yes dont let them bring any bad profit, before you're late.
And remember for the last, your bad profit bringing customer, treat them well, turn them into a neutral customer, and surely someday turn them into a good profit bringer.
Your business's growth really depends on your customer, doesn't it ? so know your customer and treat them well!
keep learning,
im not a marketers, im an operation executive, but keep the learning spirit!
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